You should be able to defeat him without losing you lives. You will receive 170 points each time you defeat him and usually enough gold to repair the dammage at the temple on Rakhir st. The guadian will reappear each time you leave the guild. when you have 2000 experience points go to the review board on trumpet for advancement. You party will now be level 2 and better able to survive.
The third level of the Castle contains the entrance to Kylearan’s Tower and some interesting opportunities. The answer to the Old Man’s question is “SKULL TAVERN.” When you encounter the berserkers located at 12E 5N of this level, take advantage. They can be fairly easily defeated with the right magic spells. You should have at least two sorcerers capable of casting the MIBL spell. It also helps if your bard has a frost or fire horn to aid the others along.
Harkyn’s Castle is located in the northeast corner of Skara Brae. At this point in time, it becomes very important for you to have filled your special slot with the most powerful character your magic users can summon. If you are in the process of developing a wizard, a lesser demon is best. The first level of Harkyn’s Castle contains one item of importance: the Crystal Sword from the southeast corner of this level. You will now begin to find some of the more powerful objects to experiment with during your encounters. After obtaining the crystal sword, head for the second level of the Castle. The stairs are located in the northeast corner of the first level.
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